Mira Conero

Ceremonies Restaurant

Choose Mira Conero Restaurant for a special ceremonies: the perfect location for a wedding in the Conero scenery.
The Hotel, a few meters from the sea of Porto Recanati surrounded by the Conero, is the ideal place to celebrate the happiest day of your life!
The staff of the Hotel is ready to organize your wedding outdoor and in the large dining room, in an elegant and refined atmosphere. The highly qualified staff of the restaurant will offer all guests a great service.
Ask more about the restaurant and choose to celebrate your wedding in Porto Recanati!

Restaurant for all Ceremonies

Up today we have celebrated many special ceremonies:
Baptisms, Confirmations, Communions, Graduations and Birthdays!

And it is sweet to shipwreck in such a sea.

G. Leopardi

Mira Conero Cerimonie: Matrimonio Rinfresco
Mira Conero Cerimonie: Matrimonio Dolce
Mira Conero Cerimonie: Matrimonio Dolce
Mira Conero Cerimonie: Matrimonio Rinfresco
Mira Conero Cerimonie - Campo da Tennis
Mira Conero Cerimonie: Matrimonio Particolare Rinfresco
Mira Conero Cerimonie: Matrimonio Particolare Rinfresco
Mira Conero Cerimonie - Campo da Tennis

Mira Conero Hotel Restaurant

Via Scossicci 16, 62017 Porto Recanati (MC) - Regione Marche, Italia
Tel.: +39 071 7501328 - Fax: +39 071 7504291
P.Iva: 01344680424 C.F.: LNRSRA54M19E690H
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Privacy Policy

Policy in compliance with the article 13 of the legislative decree 196/2003.

The data you provide through this form are necessary to supply the booking service you require, they are processed in compliance with the security measures stated in the legislative decree 196/2003.
Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties.
The data processor is Sauro Leonardi owner of Hotel Ristorante Mira Conero, whose main office is in Porto Recanati (MC), Via Scossicci 16.

via Scossicci 16, 62017 Porto Recanati (MC)
Tel.: +39 071 7501328
Fax.: +39 071 7504291
E-mail: info@miraconero.it

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Privacy Policy

Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003

I dati forniti con il presente Form, il cui conferimento è facoltativo, ma necessario per fornire il servizio di prenotazione richiesto, sono trattati nel rispetto delle idonee misure di sicurezza previste dal D.Lgs. 196/2003.
I dati personali non saranno comunicati ad altri soggetti e non saranno diffusi.
Titolare del trattamento è Sauro Leonardi titolare dell'Hotel Ristorante Mira Conero con sede operativa in Porto Recanati (MC), Via Scossicci 16.

via Scossicci 16, 62017 Porto Recanati (MC)
Tel.: +39 071 7501328
Fax.: +39 071 7504291
E-mail: info@miraconero.it

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